Tag: sunday-posts

  • Thoughts on Easter and Transgender Day of Visibility

    Thoughts on Easter and Transgender Day of Visibility

    March 31, 2024. “Biden erases Easter for Trans Day of Visibility,” the headline reads on my slab of glass. I scroll past. “How fitting Easter and Trans Day of Visibility are on the same day this year,” the caption reads, “both are days of resurrection.” I keep scrolling. Israel, Palestine, Trans Day of Visibility, Easter,…

  • My Adventures with Superman Review

    If there is one thing my friends can tell you about my television-watching habits, it is that I am terrible at finishing shows. I abandon them more than Netflix does and, when I do finish a series, I take far longer than most find reasonable to do so. So, when I tell you that I…

  • Hamartia 1

    I am currently sick, so this week’s article is a piece of creative writing I wrote a few weeks ago. It has not been edited and, frankly, needs some reworking given how the next chapter focuses more on a different POV character. Enjoy.

  • Better D&D Languages

    Better D&D Languages

    Languages have been a staple of fantasy since the Lord of the Rings was published and Appendices E and F revealed the beautiful languages that Tolkien created. Given the influence Tolkien had on the entire fantasy genre, it is no wonder that languages are a character creation option in Dungeons and Dragons. For the most…

  • The Thrilling World of Fantasy Mushing

    The Thrilling World of Fantasy Mushing

    Mushing, historically vital for transport and hunting, now persists through celebratory events like the Iditarod, despite controversies over animal treatment. The author details the Iditarod’s history and the 1925 serum run, acknowledging the contribution of indigenous peoples. The article promotes fantasy mushing as an educational tool and invites readers to join the fun.

  • The Golem and the Jinni Review

    The Golem and the Jinni Review

    I first discovered The Golem and the Jinni last June. Before the start of staff training, I was able to take a few days off to visit some friends in Eugene, Oregon. It was a wonderful getaway where I was able to see close friends again and spend some time alone exploring the city. Solo…

  • Introducing: One Day I Will Find

    Introducing: One Day I Will Find

    Hello and Welcome to my corner of the internet! I suppose I should start by introducing myself and this blog to you. Sure, you can read the words I wrote in About (I spent a lot of time working on that), but you’re here right now and why would we leave this page for another?…